Author: Articles by Dr Graeme Blennerhassett

Author Posts

The overlooked causes of poor reaction times in sports

There are a lot of articles advising exercises, drills and other things to improve ones reaction times. However, your reaction time is a... Read Article  

How to improve your sports reaction times

Most articles on sports reaction times will advise you that your reaction times are influenced by things such as training, sleep, gender... Read Article  

How to use a massage gun or vibration massager

Hand held massagers have allowed us to have massages without the expense and appointments needed when using a professional therapist. ... Read Article  

Vibration massager usage guide

Hand held massagers have allowed us to have massages without the expense and appointments needed when using a professional therapist. ... Read Article  

What are the side effects of vibration massage

The potential side effects of vibration massage depends on the type of massager used. Sensible usage of machines that purely provide... Read Article  

Your guide to vibration massage

Vibration massage has been used by professionals for decades, but more recently personal use machines have made this therapy available... Read Article  

The overlooked cause of tennis elbow (why they don’t get better)

If you have tennis elbow have you ever wondered why you can break a bone and it heals in about 8 weeks, but an inflamed muscle attachment... Read Article  

Stretching vs foam rolling: which should you do?

Both stretching and foam rolling are commonly used to increase flexibility, prepare muscles for a workout, and to help recover... Read Article  

Massage for fibromyalgia- with self help advice

Massage has given excellent relief of fibromyalgia in clinical trials. However, because of fibromyalgia sufferers are very sensitive and... Read Article  

Self massage and pressure point therapy for headaches

Massage or “pressure point” therapy has given excellent relief of headaches in clinical trials. In this article we will show you how to... Read Article  

The benefits of sports massage

Massage has been widely used by sports clubs and professional athletes, but more recently self massage options have made these more... Read Article  

Are massage guns scientifically proven, or an ineffective gimmick?

Massagers with vibrating pads that sit on the surface and send vibrations deep into your muscles have been used by professionals for... Read Article  

Why most massagers (and massage guns) are a waste of money: and how to get something effective

There are hundreds of hand held massagers and massage guns on the market, but when we were looking for something to recommend our... Read Article  

Do exercises help shoulder pain

If you suffer from shoulder pain you will likely be given some analgesics to relieve the pain and some exercises to “correct” the... Read Article  

Does foam rolling help recovery

If you get stiff and sore after a workout marketers promise that foam rolling will help, but do they really work and are they even safe?... Read Article  

Massage guns explained: what they are and what they do

Massage guns are widely marketed as a tool for self massage with claims of great benefits, but do they work or are they just a fad? In... Read Article  

How to release (treat) muscle knots yourself

Muscle knots are those tender lumps in your muscles, usually associated with muscle tightness, pain and fatigue. If you have any sort of... Read Article  

Warm-ups: your practical guide to reducing injuries, increasing performance and reducing post exercise soreness

If you play sport or workout a good warm-up will help prepare your muscles: increasing your performance, decreasing your risk of injury,... Read Article  

How NOT to use a massage gun- bad advice given by YouTube gurus

There are several common mistakes people make when using a massage gun. These include pressing in too hard and using the machine where... Read Article  

Fibromyalgia: how to treat the cause, not the effects (symptoms)

If you have fibromyalgia it’s highly unlikely that medical specialists will ever fix you. They’re treating effects not causes. It’s the... Read Article  

What is the best treatment for muscle knots

If you are looking for relief from muscle knot pain you will be offered a wide range of therapies ranging from home remedies through to... Read Article  

Muscle knot basics: what they are, what they do, and how to treat them

Muscle knots are those tender lumps in your muscles therapists find. They are arguably the biggest cause of musculoskeletal pain such as... Read Article  

Muscle knots: causes, prevention and the best treatments

Muscles knots can make you feel stiff and tired, plus cause a host of muscular aches and pains. However, a lot of advice and treatments... Read Article  

Stretching vs foam rolling: which should you do?

Both stretching and foam rolling are commonly used to increase flexibility, prepare muscles for a workout, and to help recover... Read Article  

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