Category: General

Can (myofascial) trigger points cause shoulder pain

Yes (myofascial) trigger points are a very large cause of shoulder pain. They have been found to be extremely common in sufferers of... Read Article  

The health benefits of massage

In this article we will discuss the health and wellness benefits of regular or wellness massages that have been scientifically... Read Article  

Exercises shown to not correct abnormal muscle activation patterns- public

Most movements require the co-ordinated contraction and relaxation of numerous muscles. The neurological control of this is known as a... Read Article  

How “pain free” trigger points cause muscles and joints to malfunction: causing injury and long term damage

Latent (pain free) trigger points are the tender spots in tight muscle you don’t know you have until a masseur presses upon them causing... Read Article  

The sports and exercise guide to vibration massage

Most professional athletes and sports clubs make heavy use of massage type treatments. The ability to do self massage using a hand held... Read Article  

What are the benefits of regular massage

In this article we will discuss the health and wellness benefits of regular or wellness massages that have been scientifically... Read Article  

Why shoulder pain keeps coming back

If you suffer from shoulder pain that won't go away you're not alone. Studies show that only 21% of sufferers are better after 6 months.... Read Article  

Traditional home massage found to be far superior to anti-inflammatory drugs for chronic upper back pain- public

Although anti-inflammatory drugs are heavily advertised and routinely prescribed for pain syndromes a recent clinical trial found them to... Read Article  

Why tennis elbow won't heal, and what you can do about it

Tennis elbow is a painful and disabling condition that is said to develop through overuse, but why does it then refuse to heal and defy... Read Article  

Muscle fatigue: the cause doctors usually overlook- and what you can do about it

There are many possible causes of muscle fatigue, but by far the most common cause of muscle fatigue, but the most common and probably... Read Article  

Summary of research on the effect of vibration massage on muscle length and joint range of motion, with practical applications

In this article we will briefly review some research findings in relation to the affects of vibration massage on allowing muscles to... Read Article  

Does vibration massage help healing

It has been long understood that vibration massage can accelerate healing by increasing blood flow and tissue oxygenation. Until... Read Article  

The scientifically proven effects of vibration massage- with clinical applications

In this summary we investigate the science behind the use of vibration massage. This helps us envisage uses and to develop protocols. ... Read Article  

Popular Posts

How to release (treat) trigger points yourself

Treating or releasing trigger points yourself is actually extremely easy. With a bit of instruction and practice you can easily find the... Read Article  

Are massage guns scientifically proven, or an ineffective gimmick?

Massagers with vibrating pads that sit on the surface and send vibrations deep into your muscles have been used by professionals for... Read Article  

Vibration massager usage guide

Hand held massagers have allowed us to have massages without the expense and appointments needed when using a professional therapist. ... Read Article  

The scientifically proven effects of vibration massage- with clinical applications

In this summary we investigate the science behind the use of vibration massage. This helps us envisage uses and to develop protocols. ... Read Article  

Trigger point therapy guide

(Myofascial) trigger points are an important cause of most musculoskeletal pain syndromes, plus have a host of other detrimental effects.... Read Article  

Does massage help athletic or sports performance: with practical advice

Professional sports clubs have long used massage as a way to help their athletes, and more recently various self massage options have... Read Article  

Does foam rolling help cellulite: with video instructions

Marketing implies that you can get some pretty impressive results using a foam roller, but the reality is at best foam rolling only gives... Read Article  

How to use a hand held massager

Using a hand held massager is simple. You place the vibrating head on the muscle, making good contact, and allow the vibrations to... Read Article  

How to release (treat) muscle knots yourself

Muscle knots are those tender lumps in your muscles, usually associated with muscle tightness, pain and fatigue. If you have any sort of... Read Article  

How to choose a massager: vibration? percussion? massage gun?

Vibration massage is an excellent therapy. However, too many massage guns fail to deliver this because: they use percussion which is less... Read Article  

The sports and exercise guide to vibration massage

Most professional athletes and sports clubs make heavy use of massage type treatments. The ability to do self massage using a hand held... Read Article  

The health benefits of massage

In this article we will discuss the health and wellness benefits of regular or wellness massages that have been scientifically... Read Article  

The practical, science based guide to post exercise recovery

To become fitter, stronger and faster your need to push your body to create the microscopic damage that stimulates improvement. That... Read Article  

Massage and trigger point therapy for shoulder pain, with self help options

Two of the best studies of shoulder pain found that (myofascial) trigger points in 17 different muscles contribute to shoulder pain... Read Article  

Self massage and trigger point therapy for headaches and migraines

Scientists have found that a high proportion of headaches result from pain coming from the muscles and joints of your head and neck. ... Read Article  

Massage and trigger point therapy for calf pain, with self help options

Muscular problems including trigger points have been shown to be a major cause of calf pain, with massage and trigger point therapy... Read Article  

Massage and trigger point therapy for low back pain, with self help options

Massage and trigger point therapy are widely used to treat back pain. I this article we’ll discuss how these may help with your problem,... Read Article  

The simple effective way to treat trigger points yourself

If you’ve got painful trigger points your usual options are needles, laser or some form of pressure technique where you have pressure... Read Article  

The most important muscles to massage for back pain

If you have back pain massage therapists and dry needlers will most likely miss the most important muscles. This is because they sit deep... Read Article  

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